Parish History

Old Church Building

New Church Building

St. Brigids School

St. Joseph E. M. School

St. Joseph High School


History of ST BRIGID CHURCh. . .

St. Brigid of Ireland Sullia parish has a rich history dating back to when it was part of the Puttur Deanery. Fr. R.D. Sequeira came to Sullia with the vision of establishing a missionary center in Sullia with 2 families. Mgr. Late Fr. R. D. Sequeira started work of construction church in 1933 with the help of Sullia and Puttur donors. Fr. R. D. Sequeira was appointed as first Parish Priest. Suddenly he stopped the work of church construction unfortunately due to his transfer to Puttur.

Late Fr. Alexander Camissa S.J. (1936-1940)

Missionary Father Alexander Camissa came to Sullia parish along with 16 members of  Koraga tribes from Pavoor Colony and purchased 60 acre of land with the help of donors to build houses for Koragas and remaining land he used for agriculture. He lived with them and taught them prayers in Tulu language. Fr. Camissa leading a major role who completes the church building works in 1936.

Olivet Brothers: (1940-1942)

For the uplift of Koraga Tribes Olivet Brothers purchased extra land with the permission of that time  Bishop Victor Fernandes and started agriculture. Along with agriculture they have done enough missionary works.

Late Fr. P. R. Fernandes (1942-1943)

Fr. P.R. Fernandes served as a Priest only for a year in Sullia Parish and he gave selfless service for Sullia Parishioners spiritually and also for the Social Welfare.

 Late Fr. Elias P. Dais (1944-1953)

With the mission statement of  ‘God’s word and Holy Bible is my strength’ in 9 years service as a Parish Priest Fr. Elias P. Dais  dug a well for 50 Christian families to do farming and  increased the income of Church and Church Families. He had a vision to give  a good education to children.   In 1951 he started St. Brigid Primary School with 2 teachers and 25 children.

Late Fr. Aloysius Serrao (1953-1956)

Fr. Aloysius Sera served as a Parish Priest for 3 years. He had love for poor people. He helped Poor people in entire his service as a priest of Sullia Parish.

Late Rev. Fr. Arthur C. A. D Souza (1956-1966)

Rev. Fr. Arthar served in Sullia Parish for a long term of Ten years One month Twenty five days. In his service he was dear and kind person not only to Christians but also to  non Christians. They celebrated church silver Jubilee in 1961 May 6th wich was a memorable. They did church renovation in memory of church silver jubilee and also built rented houses to increase the  income of church. He extended St. Brigid primary school to Hy. Pri. School. To give a better education to all cast and religion children. He brought teachers from other town and he provided accommodation to them and also personally he was taking English class to the students. In 1966 he was transferred to Thottam Parish.

 Late Fr. Abel Coelho (1966-1973)

His purpose was to bring a revolution in education level. He established St. Raymond’s Convent and he gave the school responsibility to Ursline Sisters. In 1966 he arranged electricity connection to church. He tried to solve the problems of poor and ill people by giving financial help. He died on Sunday 1973 while  celebrating Eucharistic Mass.

 Late Fr. Ligory Menezes (1973-1973)

After this Fr. Ligory Menezes served the parish for two months.

 Late Rev. Fr. Federick F. J. Pinto (1973-1978)

Father brought to an end to pending works in the church. He constructed a stage in St. Brigids school for cultural activities and also a ground in front of the church to play for school children. In the same way he responded for Religious and Social necessities of  the people.

 Late Rev. Fr. Victor Castelinho (1978-1980)

In 1978 he called Tamil brother from Bangalore seminary to catechise Tamil Christians. By looking after the condition of the church he planned to start a new building construction  for church. But due to lack of financial support even this work was delayed.  In 1980 he was transferred to Perampalli church.

 Late Rev. Fr. Mark D’sa (1980-1987)

Fr. Mark D’sa took up the  job of construction of new church building work. In 1981 December 15 Bishop of Mangalore Diocese late Very Rev. Basil D Souza laid foundation for new church. But due to financial problem Fr. D’sa went to foreign countries and collected donation and  he completed new church building work in 1983 December 1. The inaugural of the church conducted by Bishop of Mangalore Diocese Very Rev. Basil D Souza. Then he repaired the priest house. Laid the foundation for school building and finished the work. All around the church planted rubber plants. In his time in 1986 May month Sullia parish celebrated Church Golden Jubilee by the help of  Parishioners and in 1979 P.P.C came into existence in Sullia Parish.

Late Rev. Fr. William Fernandes (1987-1988)

For a period of one year Fr. William took charge as Parish Priest. In the course of a year they found the solution for drinking water.

 Rev. Fr. Gregory D Souza (1988-1994)

In 1988 July month Fr. Gregory took charge as Parish Priest. By his simple words and active personality he worked for the good of church people. He gave a solution for drinking water. By the help of parishioners he established a Grotto to Church Patron Saint Brigids. As well as for church and school in order to conduct the cultural activities he built a stage in front of the church. In his time rubber taping was started. In this way some income came to church. Also he gave the importance to catechism and liturgical practices.

 Late Rev. Fr. Mauris Paula (1994-1999)

In 1994 Fr. Mauris Paul took charge as a parish priest. He started Youth Club in Sullia church. Because of that December 25 evening Christmas day cultural programs arranged to conduct. By the help of foreign donors he built belfry.

 Rev. Fr. Elias D Souza (1999-2006)

1999 June month Fr. Elias D Souza took charge as Parish Priest of Sullia church. Firstly he started ‘Women’s Organization’ to develop parish women. With help and support of parishioners and Sullia town people he started St. Joseph English medium school to give a quality education for children. With the aim of raising the level of education, R.F.T.S. Sisters from  Bangalore brought here and he made them to take charge of the school. To avoid power cut he made the facility of generator. Built the toilets. In memory St Brigids School golden jubilee 2001 October he constructed new building for kannada medium school with the  help of people and donors. To support children’s education he started Education Fund and to help parishioners at the time of funeral he started Funeral Fund.

 Rev. Fr. Robert Crasta (2006-2007)

In 2006, May Fr. Robert took the  charges of Parish Priest for a period of one year. In this time he tried to solve the problem of drinking water.

 Late Rev. Fr. Valerian Lewis (2007-2012)

In May 20, 2007 Fr. Valerian Lewis took the charge of Sullia parish. Fr. Valerian renovated the church, constructed church priest house. He also built the Grotto for prayer. In May 2011 church celebrated Diamond Jubilee.

 Rev. Fr. Vincent D Souza (2012-2019)

 Rev. Fr. Vincent D Souza took the  charge as Parish Priest in 2012 June 01. In his 7 years of missionary work he has worked hard to uplift the life of Parishioners. Celebration of Holy Mass, Adoration, Prayer, Retreat, Noveana and Camps etc… he has shown keen interest on these spiritual works. He has special love with  old age people and patients. He strengthened all associations in the parish. He gave more importance to Small Christian Community. His successful projects are: Construction of High school building, Interlock, Borewell, Kinder Garten, Renovation of Cemetery,   School compound, Mess Hall, Water tank, C.C. Camera, Flower garden, Playground, Steel railings design for church portico, Renovated school computer lab and library, Renovated church entrance gate, Installation of soundless generator, Installation of smart board to school. 

 Rev. Fr. Victor D Souza (2019 to continue...)

Parish Priests who have served in the Parish

2.Late Rev. Fr. Alexander Camissa S.J. 1936-1940

3. Olivet Brothers 1940-1942

4. Late Rev. Fr. P.R. Fernandes 1942-1943

5. Late Rev. Fr. Elias P. Dias 1944-1953

6. Late Rev. Fr. Aloysius Serrao 1953-1956

7. Late Rev. Fr. Arthur C.A. D Souza 1956-1966

8. Late Rev. Fr. Abel Coelho 1966-1973

9. Late Rev. Fr. Ligory Menezes 1973-1973

10. Late Rev. Fr. Fedrick F. J. Pinto 1973-1978

11. Late Rev. Fr. Victor Castelinho 1978-1980

12. Late Rev. Fr. Mark D’Sa 1980-1987

13. Late Rev. Fr. William Fernandes 1987-1988

14. Rev. Fr. Gregory D Souza 1988-1994

15. Late Rev. Fr. Maurice Paula 1994-1999

16. Rev. Fr. Elias D Souza 1999-2006

17. Rev. Fr. Robert Crasta 2006-2007

18. Late Rev. Fr. Valerian Lewis 2007-2012

19. Rev. Fr. Vincent D Souza 2012-2019

20. Rev. Fr. Victor D Souza 2019-