2024-25 Office Bearers
New President Mr. Prem Prakash
New office bearers of catholic sabha SULLIA
Sullia May 05, 2024: The new office bearers of the Catholic Sabha Sullia Unit were elected earlier on February 25, 2024, in the presence of Deanery representatives Mrs. Naveen Brags, and handing over the posts took place in the presence of Rev. Fr. Victor D' Souza Parish Priest and Spiritual Director Sullia Unit on May 05, 2024.
The 2024-25 year Office Bearers are as follows:
President: Mr. Prem Prakash D' Souza
Vice-President: Mr. Sebastian Crasta
Secretary: Mr. Ronald D' Souza
Joint Secretary: Mr. Thimothy Somasundaran
Treasurer: Mrs. Lurdh Mary
Amcho Sandesh Rep.: Mr. Baptist D' Souza
Women Welfare Convenor: Mrs. Jayanthi D' Souza
Political Convenor: David Dheera Crasta
Community Development Convenor: Mrs. Margaret Mary
Youth Convenor: Mr. Anil D' Souza
Immediate Past President: Mr. Godfrey Montheiro
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