Silver Cross

Parish Core Committee

progress in church premises

Sullia August 04, 2024: In the last year there has been commendable progress in our church premises with the able guidance of our Parish Priest Rev. Fr Victor D Souza, and the core committee comprising Parish Council Vice President Mr. Naveen Machado, Secretary Mrs. Julia Crasta & 21 Pastoral Commissions Coordinator Mrs. Julia Crasta.

Our Parish core committee works hand in hand with the Parish priest for various parish needs and is committed to fostering a vibrant and growing church community. The initiatives aimed at further growth, spiritual development, community engagement, and overall aspects for the betterment of our parish.

Planting new trees and flowering plants, , fruits (banana, papaya,), rose flower plants. Fr Victor has a very special concern and interest in vegetation and flowering plants. He makes sure all these plants are watered every day. 

Church roof repair work was taken up with the support & volunteer work from parishioners. A silver cross has been installed on the church building and a few more progress works are lined up for this year. 

Few Snapshots of the works 👇

Fr. Victor D Souza lights Christmas Candle

Prayer on Infants

Drinking Water

Papaya tree

Banana plant

Banana plant

New Borewell

Manipura Protest

Church Roof repair

Church Roof repair

Church Roof repair

Church Roof repair